Breast Enhancers and How it Works
With the advent of social media and rapidly growing online marketing,
more and more beauty and fitness enthusiasts are turning towards
natural and herbal products to fulfill their health-related objectives.
Some common examples of such segments include weight loss and fitness
products, anti-acne and anti-arthritis supplements, anti-aging products
and teeth whitening and polishing supplements.The latest addition to such categories is that of “female enhancement products or breast enhancing supplements”. In this evidence-based review, let’s explore and discover the basics about breast enhancement, various modalities used to achieve this goal and the comparative efficacy of each of such methods.
What is breast enhancement?
Also known as breast augmentation, by definition, breast enhancement refers to any method, technique or a way that is implied to increase, enlarge or beautify the size, shape or appearance of women’s breasts.However, to better understand how breast enhancing methods work or why it is necessary, let’s first understand the structure of breast itself.Defining female breast
Anatomically known as “mammary glands”, two breasts serve as the secondary sexual characteristics in females. By nature, they are intended to serve the following important functions:- They are the core source of nourishment to the newborn (through the process of nursing or lactation after baby’s birth)
- They also serve as the “cosmetic appearance” in women and help differentiate physically from the opposite gender.
Why is breast enhancement important – Reason and Rationale
Healthcare experts, physicians, herbalists, dermatologists and plastic surgeons have identified the following key reasons that could justify the need for breast enhancement in women:Cosmetic reasons: This is, perhaps, the most common reason for which most females seek breast enhancement. It is justifiably perceived that bigger, fuller and firmer breasts add attraction and enticing beauty to female figure.
Health reasons: After pregnancy or due to breast feeding, most women’s breasts begin to sag because of the increased accumulation of fatty and loose areolar tissue. In such cases, health care experts suggest breast toning and tightening in women.
Anti-aging phenomenon: The wrinkled and loose skin of breasts adds to the physiological ‘aging” phenomenon in many women. As a result, their cleavage and bosom look like those of older women.
Published studies, clinical trials and surveys have revealed the following frequent reasons for women’s desire to enhance their breasts:
- To beautify their external appearance
- To simply enlarge their size
- To increase their firmness (by tightening and toning effect)
- To enhance their shape
- To recover the lost tone, appearance and firmness of skin
Types of breast enhancement methods and products
On the basis of their nature and type of action, various breast enhancement techniques and methods can be classified into the following categories:Surgery: Often done by a general, cosmetic or plastic surgeon, breast surgery is a traditional method of enlarging breast size. Also known as breast augmentation operation, this surgery can be of various subtypes such as silicone implantation etc. It does, however, has its own share of drawbacks e.g. high costs, health risk of associated complications (e.g. bleeding, perforation, inflammation and infection during and after surgery).
Medications: In certain pathological conditions, doctors or endocrinologists prescribe “Hormonal or hormone replacement therapy’ to the women in which breast fail to develop because of some clinical disease or reason. Estrogen injections or pills are frequently used for this purpose. Again, this method is associated with a lot of side effects and there is no guarantee that it will work for all.
Natural methods: Probably the safest of all methods, these methods and techniques comprise of the following:
i) Exercises: Recommended by massage therapists and physiotherapists, various exercises have been found to increase shape and appearance of breasts in certain women.
ii) Herbal supplements: There are quite a few good, recommended and scientifically backed herbal supplements that, when used regularly and for long period of time, significantly contribute to breast size and shape in women. More importantly, they are most economical and safest method and are generally conside3red devoid of any health risks, complications or side effects. Some of the common examples of such supplements include natural breast enhancement pills and creams.
How do natural breast enhancers work?
Most natural breast enhancement supplements or products work through one or more of the following ways:By hormone-like mechanisms: It must be remembered that the key female sex hormone responsible for breast growth and development is known as “Estrogen”. Some estrogen-like ingredients derived from plants are known as “phytoestrogens” and serve as the key ingredients in many of the recommended herbal products. Just like the real hormone “estrogens”, these phytoestrogens of herbal origin act to accelerate the growth of your breast size, inducing a natural phenomenon of “cell division” only in the breast tissue.
- They also increase the blood flow to the breast tissue which results in speedy growth and development of the palpable breast tissue
- Finally, they also promote fibroblasts growth which eventually leads to the increased size of fatty and fibrous tissue which contribute to the mass and bulk of the breast
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