Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Health Book English




During my experience as an Unani Medical Practitioner, in the field of sexual disorders, I have found many of the youths adopting wrong and unnatural means and ruining their lives in the process. This is primarily because of their ignorance about natural sexual behaviour. I have written this book according to the Unani point of view, for the physical and moral welfare of the younger generation. My intention is to give them proper guidance so that they should know the real facts about sex and be able to make their lives happy and healthy. I have used a very simple style in writing this booklet, so that a common man is able to understand it easily. Sometime it may prove very useful for you or your friends.
After 70 years of dedicated service to mankind, today Hashmi Dawakhana grew into a formidable health care centre in North India. We cure not only sexual disorders like impotency, infertility but also chronic ailments such as Diabetes, Arthritis, Piles etc. After years of ceaseless effort and research we come up with successful treatments for Weight loss, Beauty enhancement, Penis enlargement, Breast treatment etc.

Importance of Sex Knowledge


Male and female are incomplete without each other. Their lives become really meaningful only when they reach the stage of complete mental and physical harmony. Nature has created man and woman for each other and sex has got a vital role to bring them as close as possible. If the sexual life of married couple is fully satisfactory and blissful, only then they can remain mentally and physically healthy, otherwise a gap of unhappiness and frustration starts developing between them which is a curse of modern society. Ignorance of sexual behaviour can be a cause for this situation. These days it is our ambition to give best possible education to our children so that they achieve the highest goal in their lives. We tell them about every part of their bodies except the sexual organs. Why so? Simply because the society considers it bad? Perhaps they are not aware of the fact that children have natural curiosity about sex. When their queries regarding sex are not answered properly by parents, they revert to their equally ignorant friends, who try to satisfy their curiosity by wrong notions and distorted facts in the tender brains of the children. Therefore it is a moral duty of the parents to impart all necessary knowledge and information to their growing children about sex and its importance in life. This only can save them from wrong notions and disastrous results.



When a boy crosses the childhood and enters into youth, he gets lots of imaginary ideas. This is the most delicate period of his life. Every part of his body blooms. At this age if he controls himself and his passion, he florishes like a flower and his personality shines. He tries to climb higher and higher and he is successful in his life. But I feel sorry to note that many of the youth adopt wrong ways. It may be due to bad company they are keeping or for want of necessary sexual knowledge. Then indulge in some unnatural means to satisfy their sexual urge and ruin the lives. At that time they are not aware of the fact of life but they realise their mistakes when they get married as they unable to perform well in sexual act and unable to satisfy their wives. They repent for what they did in the past, because they cannot fully enjoy the charm of happy married life. They felt a condition of dried up semen, which is the most valuable treasure of life and was wasted by them just for nothing.



Ejaculating semen with the help of hand is called Masturbation or Hand practice or self-indulgence. One starts it mostly due to bad company .If parents do not looks after their children properly, they fall in the grip of many bad habits, as a result, they start hand practising whenever they are alone. At that moment they derive a sort of physical enjoyment from this act. Gradually they get so much accustomed to this bad habit, and it becomes very difficult for them to get rid off. They are not aware of the fact that this momentary enjoyment weakens them. When they grow up they feel that they are too weak to enjoy their happy married life. Due to excess Masturbation their genital organ (Penis) does not develop fully. They become mentally and physically weak and lack self-confidence. They develop a very irritating and frustrated temperament and become sick of the society. Excess of Masturbation may lead to frequent night discharges, there after semen may start passing before or after urination. Their digestive system also weakens and even after taking rich diet which do not improve their health. To get rid of this bad habit one needs a strong will power. All the youths of today should note that masturbation is not a good habit and they should always try to avoid it to make their lives happier and healthier.

Night Discharge


To discharge semen while asleep is called night Discharge. It is also known as nightfall. The patient in dream feels that some beautiful woman is beside him, he starts doing sexual act with her and the semen is discharged. In the beginning he rises up immediately at the time of discharge but slowly he is so much in the grip of this disease that he fails to know when he has discharged semen while asleep. He comes to know of it only when he gets up in the morning. Nightfall does always occur at night. Occasional night discharges are not a disease but if it happens frequently, it is undoubtedly injurious to ones health. To avoid frequent nightfall young men should not indulge in vulgar talks, see nude photographs and should not read sexual literature, which arouses their sexual feelings. Do not take hot milk at night. In the morning to walk bare foot on green grass is very helpful for those who have frequent night discharges.


If a person cannot fully satisfy his wife in the sexual act he is called impotent and the disorder is called as Impotency. It is of many kinds. The person loses his retention power in sexual play, one gets discharged without satisfying the women and she does not reach climax and in the end the penis loses its capacity of erection. These are few sings of Impotency. The main cause of impotency is excess of masturbation, secondly excess of inter course. At this stage the patient has a desire for inter course, but he is helpless because his penis does not erect enough, in other words it can be said that the penis becomes like a paralysed part of the body. Some how or other he achieves some erection in the penis but he discharges before intercourse. This disease ruins the happy married life. The Patient feels disappointed and loses his confidence, he sees gloom and darkness around him and very often he thinks of committing suicide. Impotency not only affects the man; one can easily imagine the mental condition of the women whose husband is impotent. She becomes very much disappointed and frustrated. Not only the satisfaction of the sexual desire, but the desire of having a child which is more important to a woman. To fulfil this desire she may take the help of some other person by which a heaven like home turns into hell.

Premature Ejaculation (Early Discharge)


If a person discharges very early at the time of sexual play, it is called ‘Premature Ejaculation’. It would be true to say that sexual capacity varies from person to person. It can be from two minutes to ten minutes. If one ejaculated before the wife is fully satisfied, it should be deemed that he is suffering from ‘Premature Ejaculation’. There are many symptoms to know whether a person is suffering from this disease or not. For instance, to ejaculate at the very start of sexual act, to feel immediately excited when a person is besides a woman, to ejaculate at the very touch of private parts, or to discharge when a person gets a touch of women in the crowed. All these symptoms denote ‘Premature Ejaculation’, which may ultimately lead to impotency. That person who is suffering from ‘Premature Ejaculation’ should not take opium and other intoxicants for enjoyment. Undoubtedly, these intoxicants are of momentary use, but after some time he gets addicted and every time he has to take these intoxicants. In the long run these do not work and he becomes Impotent forever. A person who has done masturbation in excess may suffer from ‘Premature Ejaculation’.



While clearing one’s bowels semen starts passing before or after urination, is called spermaorrhoea. In the beginnings it falls only when one urinates or puts pressure at time of passing stool. Slowly the falling develops before or after one urinates, If this situation continues, the patient gets weaker even after having rich meals. In the chronic stage he loses the brightness of youth. When he feels excited, it falls in excess and his male organ (Penis) very soon gets loose. Women hate such type of persons, but due to shyness she keeps mum. The patient is neither in a position to satisfy his wife nor himself but desires for sex always.



The less formation of Insulin and non-accumulation of sugar, coming out with urine and mixing up with the blood is called diabetes is a hereditary disease. Due to obesity, lack of physical exercise, ageing and disfunctioning of pancreas, diabetes can happen. Too much of thirst, bad smell in urine, unhealing of wounds, regular decrease in sight, acute weakness and irregular period and infertility in ladies are the main symptom of diabetes. The patient should stop consuming sugar and sweet and minimize the oil consumption. Food should be taken at regular interval. Exercise should be done regularly to control weight. Diabetes, a serious disease in which body metabolism is severally disordered and energy making machinery malfunctions. Though the recorded history of diabetes is very old but modern civilization and its life style are prime causes of this dangerous disease. Excessively starchy diets, the manner in which we eat and drink our intake of tinned or preserves food, the preservatives used in such food and beverages and the mental stress and strain to which a man is exposed today. All these are the aspects of life that modern science and technology have provided to human beings have become a curse in disguise.
A Greek physician, Areataevs, first recorded the name diabetes in the second century AD. Thomas Willis (1621-1675) an English anatomist and physician, reported the sugary taste of urine. The French physiologist Claude Bernard (1813-1878) devoted research to the role of sugar in the body and first provided a rational basis for understanding diabetes arose in connection with a malfunction in the pancreas, a large organ in the gut which produces a number vital hormone and enzyme, but it was not until 1992, that two Canadians, Sir Fredrick Banting and Charles Best, isolated insulin from pancreatic tissue and with the help of John MacLeaod, showed that it is essential for the proper utilization of sugar.
Through, modern medicine or allopathy has scaled great heights in research and treatment; it miserable failed to provide a permanent cure to diabetes. Age-old unani system acknowledged diabetes thousands of years ago and evolved effective and permanent cure for diabetes traditional Hakeems with their vast knowledge and experience evolved potent medicine for a complete relief from diabetes.

Venereal Diseases


There should be a complete and vigilant checking for the venereal disease. It may exist in any of the partners or in both of them. It is a disease, which generally is transmitted by the affected person to the another who does intercourse with the former. Generally prostitutes pass on this disease to the man concerned. And from him it automatically transferred to the wife. Venereal diseases are very much harmful. These weaken the sexual potency as well as affect the process of intercourse. Immediately after the symptoms are observed the treatment should be taken from a competent physician. The blood examination is very necessary after the treatment is completed.
Changes in blood due to VD
Those who suffer from Gonorrhoea or syphilis and have not taken pains to treat themselves adequately must be prepared to experience all forms of obstructions not only in the treatment of disease in the general but also in the maintaining good health.
According to the medical authorities venereal poison remains active for several year in the body and therefore person who might have contracted it means preserves it in the process of purification for a number of years even though a systematic medical treatment may had been undergone in earlier years. The patients should not have a sense of false security and assume that because they do not see any particular sign of these diseases, they are assuredly sound. We do not wish to frighten people, but it is a grim fact.
This is one of the most dangerous diseases and is the result of having intercourse with the prostitute and girl of bad character. The main symptom of this disease is that after a few intercourses with a prostitute a small boil appears on the penis and very soon it takes the shape of a wound. At the first wound is very minor and if one is careless or delays the treatment, it will have the effect on the coming generations. In the first stage some boils come out on his organ. In the second stage some black spots appear on the body and copper coloured boils come out which take the shape of wounds later on. In the third stage the effects of syphilis reaches bones and develop into wounds such as lepers have. If the germs of syphilis reach brain, the patient may suffer from paralysis and at last he falls into the clutches of death. Therefore this disease should be immediately cared for and at the very outcome of the symptoms; one should rush for his treatment.



While clearing one’s bowels semen starts passing before or after urination, is called spermaorrhoea. In the beginnings it falls only when one urinates or puts pressure at time of passing stool. Slowly the falling develops before or after one urinates, If this situation continues, the patient gets weaker even after having rich meals. In the chronic stage he loses the brightness of youth. When he feels excited, it falls in excess and his male organ (Penis) very soon gets loose. Women hate such type of persons, but due to shyness she keeps mum. The patient is neither in a position to satisfy his wife nor himself but desires for sex always.

Important Instruction to youth

  • Always avoid bad company. Do not read vulgar and obscene literature and safe guard yourself from bad talks. Always try to preserve your semen, the gem of life.
  • Do not be afraid of night discharges. If is happens once or twice a month, it is a natural course, but if night discharges happen in frequently, one must consult some qualified and experienced physician.
  • Marriage is a pious co-relation and one should abide by every rule of marriage. Do not treat your wife as if she was only meant for sexual pleasure, but always given full respect to her. Do not have intercourse when she is in her menses periods.
  • Always avoid the company of prostitutes. If you go to them, you will ruin your wealth, health and youth and you may suffer from many dangerous diseases. 5. Do not have intercourse immediately after meals but it should be done 2 to 3 hours later.
  • Always try to avoid too much spicy food, wine tobacco and excess of tea etc.
  • Have your bath daily and don’t forget to clean your male organ (Penis) with sufficient water because some white coloured substance (smegma) collects in the male organ that can develop infections.
  • Always go for urination before going to bed.
  • Get yourself thoroughly examined by an experienced and qualified medical practitioner before marriage and act upon his advice.
  • If you suffer from any contagious disease, you should immediately consult some qualified and experienced physician.
Masturbation starts from bad company, therefore always avoid bad company and try to control this bad habit with a firm determination.

Genital Organs in Man

This is the main male organ of coitus. It is made of three bodies and covered with skin. It varies in size from person to person, Its normal length when in the flaccid condition is 7 to 11.5com and 12 to 21 cms when erect.
The tip of the penis is known as glans. It is an expansion of the corpus spongionum. The base of the glans projects out from the main body of the penis and this projecting margin is called corona.
This gland appears to be a sexual organ, since in animals that have seasonal sexuality, the prostate enlarges during the mating season and then shrinks until the next. In the adult human male, it is about 4cms across as its base and is the size of chestnut. The prostate is composed of muscular and glandular tissue. Its secretions pass down about 20 small ducts that lead to the section of the Urethra that pierces the prostate gland, but their purpose is not yet fully understood.
This is mixture of secretions from the prostate seminal vesicle and spermatozoa from the testes. When a man reaches climax, semen starts coming out of the penis with pressure. Each time in two days about 2 to 6 ml of semen comes out when man reaches orgasm.
Smegma is mixture of dead skin cells and skin grease and looks like soap as it hides under the foreskin of the penis. In women it is found near clitoris.

True story of a young man


Some time back I was examining patients as usual in my Dawakhana, when a very disappointed young man came to me and started weeping bitterly. In spite of repeated requests he continued weeping. However when he felt lighter after some time he narrated his story in the following words.
“I am the only son from a rich family. My parents used to fulfil my every desire that I used to put before them. Unluckily I fell in bad company, due to which I started masturbating. I use to enjoy this act and it developed like any thing. After some time I felt myself very weak and I decided to give up this bad habit. Anyhow when I suppressed the habit of masturbation, I suffered from Night Discharges and gradually the semen started passing with urine. It ruined me.
Due to over thinking I became mentally weak. My health is deteriorating day by day in spite of rich meals. I have gone lazy and do not take interest in my work. I am very much worried for the only reason that my parents have arranged my marriage with a beautiful and educated girl. But when I think of my marriage, I tremble because I know that I have lost the most important treasure of my life and now I feel that I would be unable to satisfy my would be wife. I do not want that my would-be wife should suffer for the fault of mine. I have heard a lot about you. If you make me fit for marriage, I will be highly obliged to you through out my life.”
I heard the story of the young man very calmly and consoled him. I told him to have faith in God and he would be all right. Then I examined him and his genitals in privacy. Indeed he had ruined his youth. It was a matter of great concern for me that only a month was left for his marriage. Such young men come to me for treatment and my heart is filled with sympathy for these poor fellows.

Genital Organs in Women

Breast is apparent distinction between male and female. It is a mass of fatty tissue. The main function of the breast is to produce milk for the newborn baby. Breasts vary in size and shape. But the shape and size of breasts has nothing to do with women fertility and sexual desires. Breasts become slightly firm during excitement. Whenever a woman feels lumps or bumps, she should immediately consult a competent physician.
Situation of the clitoris is on the front of pubic bone and is almost surrounded by labia and consists of erectile tissues and richly supplied with nerves. This is most sensitive parts of the vulva. The size of the clitoris is 3/4 inch. The role of clitoris in sex is still unknown, but it appears to be involved in female excitement.
Egg (Ovum)
The name given to female reproductive cell. They vary too much in size but basically they have same shape. Egg is expelled from ovary to fallopian tube, where it is fertilised by the male sperm, otherwise it dies there within few days.
These tubes extend from the ovaries that are situated on neither side of the womb. Each is about 4″ long. There is a free passage from vagina to womb and womb to fallopian tubes.
This is an incomplete membrane situated in the vagina and it is closes the vagina partially. Usually there is one hole in the hymen to pass the menses. Some people take it as a sign of virginity, but it is not so. Some women bleed slightly in the course of first intercourse, when the hymen is ruptured.
It is the female genital passage. Vagina ensheathe the penis during inter course. It is made of modified skin, which covers an elastic fibro vascular structure. From the opening it goes upwards at the angle of 600-700. At the top cervix points in it. It is approximate length is 10 CMS. The vagina undergoes active changes during coitus.
Womb (Uterus)
This is a hollow, muscular and thick walled organ connected with fallopian tubes and it is pointed towards cervix. It is about 8 to 9 CMS in length, 6 CMS across in its widest part and about 4 CMS thick in the thickest part. The walls of the womb are about 1 to 2 CMS thick and the length of the internal cavity is about 7.5 to 8 CMS, measured from the external Os.



This disease also develops from having intercourse with the women of bad character. After some days after intercourse one feels burning sensation at the time of urination. This burning sensation and pain grow so much that the patient literally cries with pain and hesitates to urinate. After some days pus starts coming out from the penis, sometimes blood may also appear with the pus. When penis, this disease becomes chronic, the irritation reduces. But pus continues to come out. If this pus some now touches the eyes, there are all possibilities of getting blind. If one notice and symptoms of this disease he must immediately consult a good Hakeem and get complete treatment.



This is a disease of women, which sometimes ruins their health. In this disease a type of liquid starts coming out of vagina regularly. Normally their wetting of vagina is not a disease but at the times it is so much in excess, that there under wears get wet with the liquid and some stains are clearly visible on here underclothes. When a women desires for sex, her vagina become wet with some liquid. This liquid can be as fluid as water and as thick as the yellowish part of an egg. On account of this excessive discharge, there may be itching in her vagina. Due to heavy itching, vagina may also get swollen. Continuous and excessive discharge from the vagina is called Leucorrhoea. When this disease becomes chronic the women may come to suffer from general weakness, forgetfulness, pain in her waist, paleness on her face etc. Gradually she grows weaker and may find herself unable to produce children.



This is a tradition, which prevails in all the countries and among every caste and creed and has got the same importance every where. In Urdu it is called as Suhag Raat. In Hindi known as Madhu Mas and in English it is termed as Honeymoon. This first meeting of husband and wife in the night decides the future course of their married life. This is the union of two souls; therefore its mental and spiritual importance is more than the physical. Previously, only rich and educated people used to go out for Honey Moon, but now it Is become a tradition. To some extent, it is good tradition, because in India during and after few days of the marriages, the house is full with relatives and it become very difficult for the newly couple to understand each other in that crowded atmosphere, for want of time and space. It is true to say that honeymoon is the most important moment of life during which the couple comes to under standing each other. This is the moment of love, not only the meeting of two bodies, but union of two souls, meaning thereby that lives of two persons have united into one for ever.

Sex and Marriage


Knowledge of sex is very important, at least for post marital life because at times, lack of knowledge about sex ruins the, marital life of couple. It has been noticed that man have too much of misconception about sex. They fear weather they will able to satisfy their wife during intercourse or not. This feeling develops generally due to 4 factors:
  • When the husband is physically weaker than his wife is.
  • When the wife is more beautiful than she is husband
  • When the husband starts thinking that his organ has become weaker because of masturbation, homosexual intercourse or due to press-push method of intercourse that he had adopted earlier.
Now lets us deal the problem individually. In case first, when the husband is physically inferior to his wife, the couple is not satisfied during sex. Although they are physically healthy but psychologically the are defeated. Actually, enjoyment in the intercourse can be divided into 2 parts. First being the pleasure in the excitement which is generally called as foreplay and the second being the actual performance of intercourse unto the point of climax. The pleasure in the first part is fully dependent on the mental concentration towards the sexual thought and activities, appearance of the body of the both husband and wife. For a brief period after marriage, the physical appearance matters but as life proceeds, this factor becomes meaningless. In the second case when the wife is more beautiful than the husband, then an inferiority complex grips the husband and he does not feel comfortable at the thought of intercourse and does not find full strength in the organ at the time of intercourse. Even the wife gets irritated but hardly understands the problem. But if the wife is matured enough, she can easily trace out the root cause of the problem and sort it out. In most of the cases, the female reaches the climax later than man does. There are some causes behind it. One of them is that the productive organ of a man is outside, while in case of women, it is inside. In case of man, it is touched prior to the women, so the pleasure for the man begins, prior to the women, and hence, even being equally strong in sex, man discharge earlier than the women. One more factors matter. Suppose a man is fully excited when he touches his wife but in many cases, wife at the times of touch will not be so excited. Hence, there will be a phase difference in man and his wife. Sometimes a man think that he is not competent for his wife so far sexual strength in concerned. But it is only a misunderstanding because of aforesaid factor. To remove this misunderstanding, man should try to compensate this phase of difference in their degree of excitement. Here is the second way, that is the medical treatment. For this a man should visit a well-qualified Hakeem. To take pills, drugs and other things, which shows the immediate effect is highly dangerous for the youth. He will loose all potentiality in long run and reach a stage even after taking drugs, man is helpless to achieve the required potential.

A Happy News for Childless Couples


Every married couple desires to have a child in their family. For want of a child there is always a disrupted atmosphere in that family. Some cheats posing as monks deceive many innocent persons. The reason for not having a child must be detected first. It is only possible when both wife and husband are thoroughly examined by an experienced physician. At the times men remarry, without knowing the fact that they themselves are the cause of their childlessness. So you are advised to safeguard your interest from deceiving persons and always consult a good, qualified and experienced physician.
If you think if proper, you may come to our Dawakhana get your self fully examined and derive some benefit from our experience. In case your are not in a position to contact us personally or you are living at a distant place, you can post us a letter giving the details of your suffering, we will definitely give you proper and sincere guidance

Body and Joint Pain

Since ages, body pain and joint pain have been a matter of serious concern for people suffering from it. Most affected from it are the people of old age who more or less suffer from it in one way or the other. But not only old, even young people also experience these pains. If young it is mostly the aftermath of any serious injury suffered earlier, which reoccurs from time to time. But it is now to say bye-bye all these pains.


It looks there is a mystery surrounding unani. Unani medicine is in fact the least known therapeutic system today. The whole world-seems to be in the dark on unani. If you ask someone about lesser known alternative treatment like Rekei or panic healing or Crystal therapy, the person might be able to give some idea perhaps, buts hardly anything on unani an Indian system of medicine recognizes and respected almost or par with Ayurveda and Siddha. But whoever dares to peer through, is pretty sure to have a glance at the slowly unfolding world off wonders as dazzling as that of an Arabian tale.
Supposed to be an Arab medicine, unani was propagated in India by travellers from Central Asia. It was during the 13th and15th century that unani system thrived in this country, it is believed. A lot of experimentation adding numerous native drugs has been done afterwards to this system to make it as what it looks like today. However, a systematic study and curriculum on this discipline started only in the late half of 20th century till them the entire practice of unani herbs and minerals of preparation of drugs. Its fundamentals are also close to Ayuervdic medicine. Take for example, the four elemental principle of Tibbi discipline that holds all living and nonliving things are produced from al-nar (fire), al-hawa (air), al-ma (water) and al-ardh (earth). It is similar to panchbhuta principal in Ayurveda.
Through both the systems share common platform in terms of certain classical theories, they are different in their themes and temperamental theory is considered the backbone of unani system. Humoral theory presupposes the presence of your (fluids) viz. Blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile in the body. Imbalance of humoral constitution is bound to cause disease. The temperament of the person is also determined by these humours. It is believed that the unani drugs too have temperaments. They are classified under four categories they are hot moist, cold moist, cold dry and hot dry. Before treatment a person’s temperament be considered. A hot drug can adversely affect a person with similar temperament.

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

The Best Natural Breast Enhancement Foods

Millions of women dream of having larger and firmer breasts. In fact, this becomes a life long goal for some who want to enhance their beast size. The biggest reason for this desire is that men are always attracted to firm and big boobs.
Bigger and firmer breasts have also helped shape careers of many women, and it has also been the reason for some incredible marriages. Mostly, men are glued to women with firmer, big breast. The easiest way to enhance your breasts is via surgery. But this is not only risky but is also very expensive.
Before you decide to go under the knife, you should know that there are many natural breast enhancement foods that can make your dreams of having larger breasts come true. If you’re interested in this, here’s a list of top natural breast enhancement foods that you need to eat more of for a larger bust.
Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes- These natural breast enhancement foods contain phytoestrogens that can mimic the action of estrogens produced naturally by the body. Eating these foods helps in regulating testosterone production and may also lead to breast enhancement.
Estrogen rich fruits include apples, cherries, peaches, strawberries, dried prunes, raspberries, etc.
Seeds and grains that are estrogen rich include flaxseeds, , barley, sunflower seeds, rice, wheat, etc.
Legumes and vegetables that are rich sources of phytoestrogens include beets, carrots, cucumbers, garlic, soybean sprouts, chickpeas, green beans, black eyed peas, etc.
* Green vegetables and leaves- As the size of your breast increases, eating more green leaves and vegetables can help in preventing stretch marks as skin expands to accommodate larger breasts. Large breasts look great but not with stretch marks!.
* Nuts- Nuts such as pistachios, chestnuts, walnuts, etc contain large amount of natural breast enhancing phytoestrogens.
* Herbs- There are so many herbs that can help in natural breast growth because they are rich source of phytoestrogens. Some of them also contain more than one type of phytoestrogens. Some of the best natural breast enhancement herbs are:
Watercress leaves are rich in various phytonutrients. Pueraria mirifica (native of Myanmar and Thailand) contains more than give types of phytoestrogens.
Red clover is rich in isoflavones that are water soluble chemicals and mimic estrogen. Saw palmetto berry oil has wide range of physosterols that can help reverse atrophy of mammary gland. Fenugreek sprouts and seeds are highly valued not just for breast enhancement but also for increased milk production in nursing women. Fennel seeds are rich in flavonoids that are vital compounds with estrogenic properties.
Dong quai roots is not only good for breast enhancement but is also widely used by women for various other feminine issues. Wild yam roots contain powerful phytochemiclas that can help with natural breast enhancement.
* Chicken- Chicken is one of the top natural breast enhancement foods because it increases the production of estrogen. However, you should avoid chemical laden chicken and only consume free range chicken that are not pumped with steroids, antibiotics and other harmful chemicals.
* Beverages- Include beverages like soy milk, green tea, white wine and red wine as they are rich in phytoestrogens.
* Healthy fats- There are bad fats (trans and saturated fats) that should be avoided. But women can consume healthy and good fats as they are very beneficial for their body. Bad fats just sit in your belly and make you unhealthy.
On the other hand, healthy fats are evenly distributed throughout the body. These fats include monosaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Both can be obtained from some of the best natural breast enhancement foods like olive oil, seasame seeds, herring, seasame seed oil, and various nuts.
These are a few of the best natural breast enhancement foods that you should eat if you want bigger breasts. They will not only help increase the levels of estrogen in the body but also control the production of hormones like testosterone that suppress estrogen and may result in smaller breasts.

Monday, 28 December 2015

Woman are you unhappy with your bust size?

Get bigger breast naturally! For years, women of all ages have suffered embarrassment from having small, sagging or underdeveloped breasts, which often leads to low self esteem. Until now, solutions to this problem required expensive and often dangerous cosmetic surgery. Finally there is a practical, low cost, safe alternative that is completely natural, Big-BXL capsules!
Safe and natural supplement that will help you to get bigger breast! Before, women seeking breast enhancement have had to pay thousands of dollars to undergo dangerous surgery, enduring pain and discomfort, only to end up with breasts that look and feel unnatural. Finally, after decades of medical research, it is now quick, easy and inexpensive for women to achieve the bust line they’ve always wanted!
Regardless of your age, size or physical condition, you will see amazing results the very first month, guaranteed! This advanced bust formula has no negative side effects, and will quickly support the growth of new breast tissue, which in turn will firm and tighten your breasts, so you can have the bust that men desire.
Your breasts will become bigger up to two cup sizes! With a new improved bust size, your clothes and bathing suits will finally fit like you’ve always wanted them to!
Big-BXL offers a non-surgical solution to get bigger breast with the help of a balanced combination of safe, all-natural ingredients. Our laboratory uses the highest quality ingredients and manufacturing procedures to produce the finest and most effective breast enhancement capsules. Big-BXL remains a top seller among competitive brands, making it the #1 choice for those seeking safe and effective breast enhancement.
Unlike other brands, which only contain five to eight of the thirteen necessary ingredients, each Big-BXL capsule is certified to contain all thirteen of nature’s most effective breast tissue growth-promoting botanicals. These unique and exotic ingredients, used in this particular combination, result in amazing results – FAST! See dramatic results in as little as 30 days!
Whether you are taking Big-BXL to get bigger breast, improve the firmness, or overcome sagging problems Big-BXL can help you. Join thousands of satisfied customers and experience for yourself the proven benefits of Big-BXL now!

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Breast Enhancement Exercises That’ll Have You Defying Gravity

For the sake of being honest, you can’t actually grow your breasts with exercises(that’s what the home remedies for breast enhancement are for that I talked about last week). What you can do is build up the underlying muscle to make the breasts you already have look perkier.
As we women fight the never ending battle against gravity (this is even true for those of us with smaller bustlines), it’s important to do what we can to get ahead of it all. In this case, it means carving out a little time each day and really committing to a bust-enhancing exercise routine.
For perkier, firmer breasts in as little as 1 week, follow the breast enhancement exercises below:

Exercise 1 – Push Ups

Push ups are a great way to tone your core, upper body and give your boobs a lift. Though most of you probably know what a push up is, are you doing it right? Let’s see;
Step 1 – Face downwards and place your arms in line with your shoulders with your palms on the floor and your toes tucked under your feet. Your body should be parallel to the ground.
Step 2 – Keeping our body straight, push your body upwards and away from the ground. Focus on keeping your core tight, your bum low and really push through your shoulders until you are suspended by your hands and feet.
Step 3 – Once fully upright, lower yourself slowly within 4 inches of the ground and repeat.
A properly executed push up places enough pressure on your chest muscles to tone and build the muscles underneath your breasts.
You will get the best results by completing a minimum of 2 sets with 15 push up repetitions daily.

Exercise 2 – Side Swerves

This next exercise is great for those of you who spend 9-5 in an office because all you need is a chair and yourself.
Step 1 – Sitting straight on your chair, place your hands firmly on your hips.
Step 2 – Turn your body to the right as far as you can go with your back remaining straight. Be careful not to push too hard and hurt yourself. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds.
Step 3 – Repeat this exercise but move towards your left side and again, hold for 10-15 seconds. Repeat until you have completed this move 10 times on each side.
This movement will help develop muscle definition on the sides of your breasts and give them a more upright appearance. Just like with push ups, you will notice results in as soon as a week. To achieve the best possible results, be sure to do a set of these exercises at least once daily.
As you can see, both exercises listed are easy to do, with next to no equipment required and shouldn’t take more than 5-10 minutes out of your day, meaning you have no excuse not to do them!
Got time on your lunch break? Get down and give me 20!
The key to success is believing in yourself and of course, applying your new knowledge to your everyday life.

Friday, 25 December 2015

Best Breast Enlargement Capsules 2015

Many women are now considering breast enhancement capsules as the best option to help enhance their features, so as to boost their self confidence.  Compared to surgery, these capsules are very safe, risk free, painless and affordable too.  Women, who want to increase the size of their breast without the surgery, prefer using breast enhancement capsules.
Breast implants could result to infections and interrupt you’re your normal hormone levels.  In addition, it could also make your health deteriorate.  These breast enhancement capsules only contain natural elements coming from herbs and have direct effect on the body.  Herbs can help improve hormone production and increase your breast size.  In addition to being very effective, these capsules are very affordable; however, this does not mean that they are not that effective as surgery.
Breast enhancing capsules work by stimulating the glands associated with the production of breast hormones.  You will surely have that breast size that you always dream of with these capsules.  Estrogen is the one responsible for having small or big breasts and the production of this hormone is stimulated in the same manner as in during pregnancy.  The capsule may work differently on different women.  Some women noticed growth in just a month of consistent use.  The result will base on a woman’s reaction to the elements of these enhancing capsules.  Always remember to follow some precautions when taking these capsules.  Those pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult with their doctors first before taking these capsules.
Big-BXL is hands down the top all-natural breast enhancement product on the market. Why? It’s dual-action formula is second to none, with users reporting a noticeable increase in volume in less than two weeks.
It combines nature’s most potent tissue expanding ingredients which target your breasts both internally and externally with the combination of the cream and capsule. It is also manufactured in the India in a certified lab. To say its industry leading is an understatement. For real results and fast results Big-BXL is the answer. Give yourself the size and perkiness you desire with Big-BXL today.

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Natural Breast Enlargement: 6 Tips and Techniques for More Beautiful Breasts

Few women are completely happy with their bodies. As a matter of fact, next to losing weight most women would most like to change their breasts size or shape. If you’re one of the many women who would like to change the size or shape of your breasts, natural breast enlargement is a safe, effective way to do it. Here are six tips or techniques you can use:
1) Wear a push-up bra
Until you’ve increased your breast size with natural breast enlargement techniques, a push-up can make your breasts look bigger in the meantime. One push-up bra that many women love is the Wonderbra Women’s No Surgery Add A Size.
2) Exercise
Exercise can’t make your breasts bigger since they are made up of fatty tissue, not muscle. However, exercise can tone up the pectoral muscles beneath the breasts, which lefts them and makes them look perkier. My post How to Have Firm, Perky Breasts outlines an exercise program for the chest muscles.
3) Breast massage
Breast massage is one of the key natural breast enlargement techniques. It’s also a healthful practice to follow even if you’re not interested in enlarging your breasts. My post Increase a Cup Size in 30 Days with Breast Massage explains how to begin a breast massage routine.
4) Herbs
Many herbs can play valuable role in enlarging your breasts naturally. Fenugreek, saw palmetto, wild yam, and fennel are a few of the herbs that can assist in developing bigger breasts. My post Natural Breast Enlargement with Fenugreek discusses how to use the herb fenugreek for natural breast enlargement.
5) Avoid alcohol and tobacco
Avoid smoking cigarettes or any other tobacco products. Reduce your intake of alcohol as well. Alcohol and smoking have both been linked to breast cancer. Aside from breast health, neither is good for your body.
6) Avoid toxins
Avoid using underarm deodorants that contain aluminum salts or other chemicals. Aluminum is a heavy metal that can be introduced into the bloodstream and lymph systems via the skin and compromise the immune system. Other artificial chemicals (for example chemicals in fertilizer, pesticides, and household cleaners) can imitate hormones and result in physical and emotional disorders in your body and mind.
Virtually all women who have improved the size or shape of their breasts are thrilled at being able to fit into and fill out the clothes and bathing suits they’ve always wanted to wear. They also receive a huge jump in self-confidence because they feel and look more feminine and have a more womanly figure. As healthy-minded individuals, we know that we are not defined by the size or shape of any part of our body, but we still appreciate improvements!
If you’ve ever felt self conscious about the size of your breasts, you are not alone. To find out about the natural breast enlargement methods that can increase your breast size by up to two cups, naturally and without surgery, click here!

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

The Bust Booster Workout: 3 Breast-Lifting Exercises

Although breasts are made of fat, underneath the breasts are supporting muscles that can help to keep the chest from sagging. Chest exercises can build muscle in the pectorals, which will help to keep the breasts on top of them well-supported and perkier-looking. The breast themselves do not become bigger, but they look bigger because they’re lifted by the chest muscles. The three exercises in his bust booster workout will lift and enhance your breasts.

1) Decline Dumbbell Chest Press

The decline dumbbell bench press targets the lower part of the chest. Sit down on a decline bench with feet under the leg brace and dumbbells resting on thighs. Lie back with dumbbells. Position dumbbells to sides of chest with bent arm under each dumbbell. Press dumbbells up with elbows to sides until arms are extended. Lower weight to sides of   chest until a slight stretch is felt in the chest or shoulder. Repeat 8-12 times. Do three sets.

2) Flat Dumbbell Chest Press

The flat dumbbell chest press targets the entire chest. Sit down on a bench with dumbbells resting on lower thighs. Kick weights to shoulder and lie back. Position dumbbells to sides of chest with bent arm under each dumbbell. Press dumbbells up with elbows to sides until arms are extended. Lower weight to sides of upper chest until a slight stretch is felt in the chest or shoulder. Repeat 8-12 times. Do three sets.

3) Bench Dips

The bench dip targets the chest and tricepts. Sit down on a bench. Place hands on edge of bench, straighten arms, slide rear end off of bench, and position heels on floor with legs straight. Lower the body by bending the arms until a slight stretch is felt in the chest or shoulder, or rear end touches floor. Raise the body and repeat 10-15 times. Do three sets.
On the chest presses, you should increase the weight when you reach the maximum number of repetitions for all three sets. When you reach the maximum number of repetitions on the bench dips, elevate your feet on a platform knee-high to waist-high to make the exercise harder. Doing this workout on three non-consecutive day a week can make a noticeable difference in your figure in as little as a month.

Monday, 21 December 2015

Breast Enlargement Without Surgery

Have you been wondering and trying to find out if it really is possible to achieve breast enlargement without surgery?
If this is the case then please let me make you aware that you definitely aren’t the only woman trying to figure this out for herself. There are over 100,000 other women out there that have been actively seeking the answer to the exact same question that is often running through your mind. Please continue to read this article all the way down to the bottom in order for you to find out the answer to whether or not this is truly possible for a person to achieve.

Breast enlargement without surgery is absolutely possible, but…

I’m sure you’re dying to find out the exact answer right now so I’ll hit you with the short version which is yes, it is absolutely 100% possible for a woman to enlarge her breasts without undergoing any kind surgery whatsoever. Breast enlargement without surgery is completely achievable today.
But please don’t get too excited just yet since not everything is 100% simple and there are definitely some other things you need to be made aware of.

Problem one – not every breast enlargement method actually works!

I only want to warn you ahead of time because you will probably run into some creams and pills that not only do they not work but they also contain toxic ingredients that are not natural and can be very harmful to your health. I don’t want you to be suckered into buying these products and having you put your health at risk and wasting your money all at the same time.
Some of these products just don’t work! It’s that simple. So if you’re using any of these products right now than it’s going to be impossible for you to achieve breast enlargement without surgery. I can’t be any more blunt than this, so please appreciate my honesty.
You’ll also hear claims of certain foods and exercises that are supposed to be able to increase your breast size as well but a lot of them don’t work either. So let’s get into the topic of what actually does work, shall we?
What actually achieves results when talking about breast enlargement without surgery?
The most effective method for achieving natural breast enhancement is actually a combination of two techniques. You want to get yourself on a regimen of breast enhancement pills and breast enhancement cream that you use and apply every single day.
Like I said earlier, not every one of these products works so you need to find the ones that have been proven most effective for other women in your situation. That’s how you achieve breast enlargement without surgery. Good luck!

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Natural Breast Enhancer – Alternative to Surgery

Most women are searching for ways to breast enhancement that are less expensive than a surgical procedure costs. They want to make their breast bigger but are just scared of the health risks of a surgery. There have been numbers of reports relating to people that undergo a breast surgical procedure that had complications later on. It is also a painful procedure and breast implants don’t look natural at all.
With the latest researches and advancements in science, the best natural breast enhancer was developed. There are supplement that are rich in herbs that possess a large amount of phytoestrogens that can connect to the receptors of oestrogen in the tissues of mammary gland that will activate the new growth.
Some Helpful Tips
The best procedure for you to have an enhanced breast is to follow the directions on the product you will be purchasing and other methods to accompany like massages and exercises. You must be a dedicated user in order for you to have the body that you truly desire.
You can use a natural breast enhancement cream that the skin will absorb the potent herbs. It will also tighten and smoothen the skin around your breast. Massaging the cream around your breast will assist in the form and growth of your breast.
Another way is by taking in breast enlargement pills that have the most effective herbal ingredients like dong quai, blessed thistle, saw palmetto, hops, bovine ovary extract and fennel seeds that were used for a long time to improve the appearance of their breast and to treat certain sickness.
You can also acquire an efficient program that incorporates natural breast enhancements exercises, creams and pills. It is fact that our body needs exercise to make us look and feel good and so as your breasts. A few of examples of exercises for your breast with 10 repetitions of pressing your palms tightly together on chest level then holding on that position for five seconds, then relax or you can also do push-ups. This will stress the form of your breast but with the creams and pills, this program will help increase the size of your breast.
An Attainable Goal
The most effective natural breast enhancer has to start in you. You need to commit yourself to following the regimes to be able to have the fuller, healthy and large bust that you have longed for. You need to have patience because the results vary for every person. If you really want to have a breast enhancement without having to undergo surgery, you must search for the natural products that effectively enhances breast. Browsing through the internet will help you find the perfect breast enlargement product.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

How Much Can You Trust Breast Enhancement Products?

There are several products that claim to make your breasts fantastic. With the backing of commercials, post mailers, magazines, and now even the digital explosion the products are all over! But do each and all of these products really show any results? Even if they do, are they long-term and safe? Breast enhancement products can be found all over the stores, chemist shops, and online, but it is strongly suggested that you buy them from only reliable stores.

Why trust factor has dropped in Breast enhancement products

The term “herbal” has been misused. The Internet is full of reviews by unsatisfied women who complain about how their boob products have no effect whatsoever and are a complete waste of money. This is a clear indication that there products floating in the market that promise the paradise but produce nothing but hopelessness. But does that really mean that all products are inept? No! There are many helpful and effective products, that do less talk and more work. You can find such breast enhancement products at this site. This websites not only sell genuine products, but also have trustworthy information and advice, and authentic reviews by women who have a success story to tell! Of course, you must take in consideration the doctor’s opinion as well, and accordingly buy from the website.

Should you believe the “100% safe” statement made by most breast enhancement products?

Women have become smarter and fighting temptation to use any cosmetic enhancing products on their bodies. There is a void in the trust that women have for such products. This is because on every product packaging and company website they read that it is totally safe to use their products, but there are so many discussions amongst doctors and even amongst women that some breast enhancement products are not safe. This is partially true. Some products aren’t safe for particular kinds of bodies, women with allergies or sensitive skin, women who are pregnant or breast-feeding, and chronic conditions. Even though these products can be used without a doctor’s prescription, it is a must to consult him. Ask him if the product you are about to use is going to suit the body. There are many products that claim to be safe but are not authentic. Therefore, our site focus on educating women about different breast enhancement products, their side effects, their reviews, and suggested methods.
You must remember to use natural products, which have estrogen-packed ingredients like herbs like fennel seeds, Dong Quai, Blessed Thistle, and one of the most important ingredients, fenugreek seeds, which are famously known to have superior effect on breast enlargement. Besides phyto-estrogens, they also contain compounds that promote healthy breast tissue. A not-so-popular fact is that even birth control pills can increase breast size, thanks to its estrogen-controlling properties. Choosing reliable brands from dependable virtual stores is ideal for our small-breasted sweeties!

Friday, 4 December 2015

How To Increase Breast Size Naturally

Plenty of women spend a lot of time at home alone sitting back and wondering if it really is possible to increase the size of their breasts naturally. They wonder how to increase breast size naturally because they are really hoping to avoid having to undergo any type of breast enlargement surgery.
There are definitely methods available that will help aid a woman with her unfortunate issue and I’d like to fill you in on a few of the ways that she can naturally enhance the size of her breasts.
Now if a woman wants to choose to have breast implants done than that is obviously totally up to her. But she should be made aware that there are a lot of risks involved and serious health problems can occur later on in life. If you’re someone looking to completely avoid these unnecessary results then you should continue reading on and begin practicing the following tips.
Tip one: Get plenty of exercise. Did you know that exercise is an incredible way for a woman to lift and firm her breasts? This doesn’t actually help her increase her breast size, but these exercises do help make them appear a lot bigger than they actually are due to the way they lift up. This makes a woman’s cleavage look a lot fuller.
Tip two: Use breast enhancement cream . Another incredibly popular option available to you is to use breast enhancement cream. Most of these creams come fully packed with herbal ingredients that are natural and when combined together they often improve phytoestrogens. Visit to learn more about these breast creams.
When you rub your breast with these creams you do so on your breast tissue so it will be absorbed into your mammary glands as you apply it. You can see incredible results if you use this type of cream along with other breast enhancement pills. These are great methods for a woman to attempt as she learns how to increase breast size naturally.
Tip three: Use breast enhancement pills . This method is by far the most popular and successful way for a woman to enlarge her breasts naturally without getting any type of breast implant surgery. The pills that are made available to women today are proven to be extremely effective and also work very well. And the best part is that for the majority of women these pills are completely safe and will give them no side effects.
The only real potential side effect is if a woman has any allergic reactions to some of the herbal ingredients, but this doesn’t seem to be a major problem in the majority of women. You should always check with your physician before you take any kind of new supplement, so please do so before you begin any breast enhancement pill treatment.
I hope these tips help you in your struggles to learn how to increase breast size naturally.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Top 10 Strategies to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

 What can you do to lower your risk of getting breast cancer? Here are some great ways that you can take control of an important aspect of your health and well being. Raise your defenses against cancer and give yourself a better chance of keeping and maintaining your good health.

1. Proper Diet For Good Health

Eat a healthy diet. that is rich in fruits and vegetables, to take advantage of their antioxidants. Doing so can help prevent damage to your tissues. Look for these colors when buying vegetables: green, red, yellow, and orange. When shopping for fruits, choose from these colors: red, green, and purple.

2. Exercise For Prevention

There is a link between exercise and breast cancer prevention, as well as prevention of cancer recurrence. Doing regular exercise helps reduce body fat and improves muscle tone. The American Cancer Society says; “Evidence suggests that one third of the 550,000 cancer deaths that occur in the United States each year are due to unhealthy diet and insufficient physical activity.”

3. Stay Slim

Having extra weight increases your risk for breast cancer. Many breast tumors thrive on estrogen. Body fat can store estrogen, and on a high-fat diet, your estrogen levels can increase beyond normal. Adopting a low-fat diet or a vegetarian diet can help reduce the amount of estrogen in your body. If you want to try a vegetarian diet, it will eliminate your intake of animal fats and reduce the saturated fats in your diet. Don’t give cancer a good place to hide.

4. Stop Smoking

Tobacco smoke carries carcinogens, which can accumulate in fluid around the breasts. Active smoking can greatly raise your risk of breast and lung cancers, and passive smoking may also raise your risk. Get help to kick the habit and improve your long-term health. The evidence is piling up for a link between smoking and breast cancer. It’s another good reason to stop smoking.

5. Drink Less Alcohol

Regular and modest amounts of alcohol can raise your estrogen levels. Even one drink a day can expose breast tissue to higher hormone levels. Since some breast tumors are estrogen-sensitive, alcohol can increase the risk that the cells in that tissue will become cancerous. Limit your intake to lower your risk. Read more to find out just how much alcohol is safe to consume.

6. Have A Regular Checkup

Have a regular checkup and communicate often with your doctor to stay well. Keep good records of your health. Request copies of any test results or screenings. Keep an eye on any changes in your health. Your doctor can help you keep an eye on critical areas, suggest proper diagnostic tests, and refer you to other experts.

7. Take Advantage Of Early Detection

Screening for breast cancer has the goal of detecting possible tumors before they reach a palpable (easy to feel) size. Larger tumors are more likely to have spread beyond the breast. Detecting a small tumor (cancer at a very early stage) increases the effectiveness of treatment, and improves your chances of survival. Have an annual mammogram starting at age 40, as long as your general health is good. Do your breast self-exam (BSE) (BSE) on a regular basis.

8. Hormone Replacement Therapy – Good Or Bad

Current and long-term users of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) have an increased risk of developing breast cancer, according the Feb. 13 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (Vol. 287, No. 6: 734-740). HRT was found to raise the number of breast cancers that are ductal and lobular. Talk with your doctor about whether HRT will benefit you, and what alternative therapies would be good to try. Estrogen and progesterone status can affect a diagnosis of breast cancer.

9. Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

Pregnancy and breastfeeding combined with regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding alcohol can help lower your risk. Both pregnancy and breast-feeding reduce a woman’s total number of lifetime menstrual cycles, which is thought to be the reason that this helps lower your risk. Having children before age 30 also reduces your risk of breast cancer.

10. Maintain Good Emotional Health

A good attitude affects your overall health – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Build a good future for yourself by bringing balance into your life: healthy food and regular exercise combine to fight the blues and pave the way to a good attitude.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Is Using Yoga for Breast Increase Possible

yoga-for-breast-enlargementWomen with supple breast appear more beautiful and feminine. But unfortunately, all women are not blessed the same. In many culture, small breasts are embarrassment, but today there are many non-surgical ways to increase and firm breasts, among them, yoga and breasts enhancers. Apart from risks involved, surgical methods are very expensive and not every woman can afford. But is using yoga for breast increase possible?
Workouts that shape and tone muscle can also enhance the appearance of breasts, making them look larger and firmer. Body posture plays an important role in the appearance of breasts. A poor posture doesn’t accentuate the breasts and can actually make good sized breasts appears small. Yoga can correct body posture and help breasts appear more prominent. But how can yoga increase breasts while it is clear breasts are wholly made of fat cells?

How Do Yoga Exercises Naturally Increase Breast Size?

Contrary to the popular belief that yoga or any form of exercises cannot influence the size of breasts, it has now been proven that yoga can influence the size and appearance of breasts. Breasts do not have muscle tissues, rather, breasts are made of fat cells, and gland and ducts that produces milk. But fat cells, glands and ducts are held together by soft connecting tissues, thus, the size of breasts depends on the condition of these tissues. By toning the muscles surrounding breasts, especially pectoral muscles, yoga can strengthen the connecting tissues, increasing the size of breasts making them firmer and more shaped.

There are many yoga poses to boost the size of breasts, but the following are yoga that will increase the size of breasts:

camel yoga for breast enlargementCamel Pose (also known as Utrasana)
Practicing utrasana pose will make your breasts larger and firmer. The following are steps involved.

  • Sit on your knees.
  • Hold the left ankle with your left hand and right ankle with your right hand.
  • Push your buttocks forward and elevate your body on knees.
  • Afterwards, stretch backwards as far as possible, and keep your head tilted back.
  • Repeat this pose atleast thrice a day, you will notice significant results within 4 weeks.
Cobra Pose (also known as Bhujangasana)
This is a highly effective yoga when properly done. Cobra pose will strengthen the pectoral muscles making your breasts larger and firmer.

    cobra yoga for breast enlargement
  • On your hands close to the chest, lie on your stomach.
  • Keep legs together.
  • Lift the upper body part up and hold this position for a few seconds.
  • Repeat these steps atleast 5 times a day, and three times a week.
For faster and more significant results, these yoga poses should be complimented with breast enhancer.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Uneven Breast Size Causes and Solutions

Uneven or lopsided breasts can lower a woman’s self-esteem, but it is important to know that almost every woman has one breast that is slightly smaller than the other. As many as 45 percent of women have a breast size difference of a half cup size or more. There are several possible causes of uneven breast size.



No matter how hard we try to feed evenly on both sides either the baby or mother tends to prefer one side over another. This can result in uneven breasts even long after the breastfeeding has finished.

Body alignment

When the body is perfectly aligned, muscles, and fat deposits tend to be distributed more equally. Throughout our lives, stress, sleep positions, posture, injuries, and disease can cause the body to go out of alignment. This results in over or under-development of muscles, and uneven distribution of fluids and fat.

Right or left hand dominance

Most women find that the larger breast is on the side of their dominant hand. This is due to the muscles of the arm and chest getting a larger share of the work load during each day’s activities.

Hormonal imbalances

Estrogens play vital role in breast development in adolescent girls. It begins with the budding of the breast and two to four years after the menstruation has started. It is during this period that a breast size difference can occur.
If you suspect alignment issues, visit a chiropractor and find an exercise program that balances the body. If you believe that a dominant side is to blame, try doing more with the opposite side to balance the muscle development. If it is something else, you can either try enlarging the smaller breast or reducing the larger breast. This can be done effectively without surgery and for a minimal price.
Enlarging the smaller breast without surgery may take several weeks. You will see faster results with reducing the larger breast, which can be done in just a couple of weeks. This is done by doing a body wrap on the larger breast only. You can get it professionally done from an experienced esthetician, or you can do it yourself at home.
There are several excellent body wraps available for home use. After only a couple of treatments to the larger breast, you should be able to see noticeable difference in size. The breast are very responsive to this type of wrap, so be careful. Sometimes the results are not noticed for a day or two, so never do more than two treatments a week so that you can carefully monitor size reduction.
Breast massage is another technique that can be used to reduce differences in breast size. There are a couple of ways to use breast massage to even out uneven breasts. Either massage the smaller breast only, or if you are trying to increase your breast size, massage both, but massage the smaller breast at least twice as much as the larger one.
Uneven breast size is not something that women simply have to accept. If you think the size difference is noticeable, and it bothers you, the first step is to try to pinpoint the cause, Once you’ve done that, use the appropriate treatment ti improve the appearance of your breasts.Thee small investment in time and effort will give a significant boost to your self-esteem.